We’ve Moved

Notice that there haven’t been any updates for ages? Well, that’s because Blogger died on me. I’ve been unable to update my blog since I returned home from Florida on Monday. A full work week after emailing back and forth with both Blogger and my web host, I abandoned Blogger and moved the entire blog to WordPress. I still need to modify the CSS a bit, but so far, so good!

And now that everything — including this editing software — is on my host site, I won’t have to worry about any Blogger service issues anymore. If my site is up, I can publish.

After an intensely stressful two weeks, AEJ and I are going to the movies tonight. We’re seeing “Knocked Up.” Should be fun — and nice to just get out of the house.


Cathy says

I'm a fan of WordPress. I just have to figure out how to upgrade to version 2. I guess I'll have to take some of the time I use reading blogs to reading how to upgrade the blog! Have fun at the movies!

Kevin Howlett says

I had figured you were just so deep in the Sax Concerto that there wasn't time to update. I remember the same thing happened to Jim's blog a while back. Besides, Blogger got all weird and required some new validation thing where if you didn't do it you couldn't even comment. That sucked. Tell me how Knocked Up is--I liked The 40-Year Old Virgin and I heard it's supposed to be pretty good.

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