Turbine: The End

Finished “Turbine” tonight. I’ll play with the scoring a bit more before Midwest, but I’m done enough to feel comfortable printing the current version to take with me to CSU Stanislaus tomorrow.
I thought about posting the PDF, but opted to wait until it’s a bit cleaner on paper. (And this way, I can save the Big Reveal for Midwest! If you’re coming to Chicago, please find me and say hi. I’ll be spending a lot of time in the Shattinger Music booth.)

I’m off to bed, then tomorrow — Turlock, CA. Hopefully I’ll be able to take some good pictures of food when I’m there…

P.S. A few “Turbine” stats. Total notes, just ’cause it’s funny: 32,889. Measures: 303. (That is somehow an average of 108 notes per measure. Fortunately, that’s spread among 33 staves.)

My favorite stat from the Finale “Count Items” plugin:
Time Signature Changes: 4224.

Now, how the hell can that be?! There are only 303 measures! I’m a fan of meter changes, but come on. Silly Finale…


Nikk Pilato says

Man, those notes really add up don't they? I'm sure you'll have tons of fun preparing parts. Ugh, i hate that process.

Anyways, I'll catch you in Chicago. Have a safe flight, John.

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