Too Many Notes

I’m working on the parts for “Sasparilla.” I prepared 9 of them today, leaving 32 more to do. 32! 32 MORE!
How can a single ensemble have so many parts?! 3 Bb clarinets, 1 Eb clarinet, 1 bass clarinet, and a contrabass clarinet. 6 parts for clarinets alone. Sheesh. Part of this is my own fault. 6 percussion parts, plus timpani, plus an accordion.
Yes, an accordion. And according to Finale, the piece has 27,481 notes.
This piece may be a little indulgent.

Rick Clary is conducting “Redline Tango” at the ABA convention in Gainesville, Florida, this week. I wish I could be there. He’ll be conducting the Univerisity of Florida wind ensemble. Rick’s performance with his own group in November at FSU was pretty spectacular, as I’ve said


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