October 15, 2005
Last night, AEJ and I attended a cast & crew screening of the new movie, “Stay.” AEJ knows one of the producers, so we were offered passes to the screening. It was a fun time.
The screening was on the 20th Century Fox lot, so our little adventure started with us pulling our little (dirty) car up to the gate and telling the guard we were there for the “Stay” screening. He checked to make sure AEJ’s name was on “The List,” and waived us through to the parking garage.
After parking, there was a short walk to the building that housed the theater. We passed several sound stages, each with their doors wide open, so we peeked in, trying to figure out what sets we were seeing. We had no idea.
The highlight was when we walked past the production offices for Arrested Development, one of our favorite shows. Right next to the front door of the office, somebody was getting out of a Porsche. A very pretty, shiny, Porsche. I thought — hey, that guy gets to park really close to where we’re going, and isn’t forced to park in the garage. Maybe he’s a cast member of “Stay.” The guy then walked around to the front of the Porsche and when he turned in our direction, I saw that it was none other than Jason Bateman, the star of Arrested Development. Awesome. This felt very L.A. I wanted to yell out, “your show rules,” but I decided to play it cool.
At the screening, I wasn’t sure if we’d see any of the main stars of the movie — Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts, and Ryan Gosling. This wasn’t a “premiere,” as it seems that the movie may not be getting a big red carpet premiere because the cast is around the globe filming other movies. Still, this was a “cast & crew” screening, and those actors are certainly from the cast, so I didn’t know what to expect.
Sadly, none of them were there. Several of the other cast members were there, but they were actors whom you might recognize, but might not know them by name. (One of the actors will also be seen in the upcoming Garfield 2. That’s right. There’s going to be a Garfield 2. I am so excited, because I thought Garfield 1 was some of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s best work on film. I’m soooo psyched that they convinced her to come back for the sequel. They even got the original Garfield 1 writer to write the sequel! This movie can’t miss.)
It’s a shame that sarcasm doesn’t translate to blog text.
Anyway — back to “Stay.” So, the three main stars weren’t there, but, somewhat randomly, David Duchovny was there with somewhat shaggy hair. (It looked like it was a very good haircut, but had grown out perhaps three weeks too long.)
As for the movie, I enjoyed it. I had a bit of a problem with the music (it didn’t work for me at all), but that was my biggest complaint. Check it out when it hits theaters.
Kevin Howlett says
Thing is, I recognize Mark Margolis. And it's a good thing you put in that little sattement after lauding Jennifer Love Hewitt. I hate her.
Newman says
The NY thing to do would have been to heckle Bateman, you know, like at a Yankee game. "Hey Jason! Where's your SISter!" Something classy like that.
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