Sleeeeepy — and an announcement

I’m just back from NYC. Got up at 6am and headed to JFK. (3am PST — although honestly, I have no idea what time I think it is.) It’s good to be home. It definitely smells better here.

AEJ picked me up at the airport and we had lunch at In-N-Out. Quite the tasty homecoming.

I’d write the debrief now, but I’m exhausted. I also can’t begin to face the dozens of emails that went unanswered while I was away. (If you wrote me anytime after Monday afternoon, I promise I’ll write you back by Monday!)

The big news
I’ll mention this again because it’s exciting news, but I can now officially announce that I’ll have four (yes, 4!) performances at Midwest in Chicago this December. They are:

Wednesday, December 20 : Permian High School Symphonic Band performs “Turbine,” conducted by Michael Watts

Thursday, December 21 : The Dallas Wind Symphony performs “Redline Tango,” conducted by Jerry Junkin — two performances

Friday, December 22 : Friendswood High School Wind Ensemble performs “Strange Humors,” conducted by Gregory Dick

I don’t know concert times yet, but I’m told that Friendswood is the “Friday night” concert, presumably around 9pm. The Dallas Wind Symphony performances are in the early and mid-evening. I’ll be writing about these concerts a lot as they approach, and I’m sure I’ll have exact concert times soon.

I’m off to nap.


Sarah says

You should convince Friendswood to fly you down to work with their's only 20 minutes away from me! Then we can hang.

Courtney says

DWS Concerts on Thurs Dec 21 are at 6:15 PM and 8:15 PM in the International Ballroom. We rehearsed Redline yesterday for our Sept 26, I just love that piece, and never get tired of it!

jim says

All I can say is wow... congratulations!!

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