November 16, 2004
NY Times Review
From Tuesday’s New York Times:
“Mr. Battle, the youngest choreographer, has recently made a name for himself with original rapid-fire movement and unexpected imagery. His “Mass” was accompanied by John Mackey’s percussion score, commissioned by Mary Rodgers Guettel. Mr. Battle cast Corey Scott-Gilbert as the leader of a silent choir. The Juilliard Percussion Ensemble, at the rear of the stage, provided the sound, growing in intensity.
Mr. Battle took the senior class along the same path. The dancers scooted around, huddled and worked themselves up wonderfully into astounding vigor. The ritual ended with the leader throwing himself to the floor and a group flying out into the wings.”
The whole review is here.
Overall, a very positive review. I wonder how Mary will react to the rather public crediting of her generosity…
abacus says
Congratulations on an amazing run with a spectacular piece. Wow. It was incredible.
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