Ms. Nasty McHairclip

I knew I wasn’t going to like her (with my personal Turn-Ons being “smart chicks,” and my Turn-Offs being “hockey, bad hair, and people who don’t believe global warming has any human cause“), but I was still a little stunned by the sarcastic nastiness of statements like, “I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer’ — except that you have actual responsibilities.”  Wow.  Dissing Obama for working on antipoverty programs.  This chick is a dick.


Craig says

Thanks for this! I totally agree 100%!

It is great to see that others that can see through her act.

Kevin Howlett says

John, I am totally buying you a drink at Midwest this year.

I didn't see Palin's speech, but everyone around here who has went from hating her to finding her endlessly atrocious.

If I remember correctly, Obama responded nonchalantly by saying it didn't matter what she thought because he wasn't for Vice President, he was running for President. Oooh, sick burn.

Kevin Howlett says

Last paragraph should have read:

"If I remember correctly, Obama responded nonchalantly by saying it didn’t matter what she thought because he wasn’t running for Vice President, he was running for President. Oooh, sick burn."

Tom says

If she's a dick for saying what she said what does this make Obama?....

Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin's new "change" mantra.

"You can put lipstick on a pig," he said as the crowd cheered. "It's still a pig."

I think it's hilarious how democrats are so upset about McCain's VP pick. If she is so awful, won't most intelligent American's see right through it? Why so upset?

John says

I don't think I have as much faith as you, Tom, that intelligent Americans will see through it -- or, rather, that there are enough intelligent Americans to get the numbers high enough. As George Carlin said, "Think how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of the rest of them are even stupider."

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