Life Is (not) Very Hard

I purchased the Winds & Brass sample collection of the Vienna Symphonic Library, and I received them on Wednesday afternoon. Unfortunately, that was the same day that I returned that massive new monitor to Apple because it was defective. The replacement should arrive later today. (You can read about the defect here or here, if you’re curious for some reason.)

Without a monitor — I had given my old monitor to a friend already — I was unable to install any of the new samples on Wedneday. (Boo hoo, right?!) I ended up borrowing my old monitor back last night (how lame is that? “Here, have this nice monitor! I don’t need it anymore because I bought one that’s even bigger. Spend a few days really getting used to it, and then – sike! I’m taking it back! Ha ha ha!” — that was me.), and now that I have a display again, the samples are slowly installing.

It takes a long time to convert and install over 55 GB of samples. Yes, 55 GB. So far this morning, I’ve only been able to install Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute, Oboe, and English Horn. I’m not even done with the first of four DVDs, and it’s been about three hours. They sound great so far, but I’m really excited to hear some of the weirder instruments — like Cimbasso. What the hell is a cimbasso?! It looks crazy, I have to say, and I can’t wait to hear what on earth it sounds like…

Tonight I’m going with Newman to hear Steve Bryant’s new piece for electric string quartet. Should be a hoot.


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