
I know, I know. I promised an update with loads of awesome pictures of Oklahoma and Texas. Believe me — they’re coming! I just haven’t had time to pick out the good ones and write a blog entry to accompany them. See, we had been planning to stay in Santa Fe for two leisurely nights, but then, early this morning, we got a call from the driver who has been trucking our stuff cross-country, and he was already in Arizona, and he wants to deliver our stuff in LA on Friday at noon. Since we need to get there the night before the delivery (gotta mop the floors before they rugs arrive!), we need to be in LA by tomorrow night. So instead of writing big fancy photo blog entries, I spent the afternoon at Home Depot buying a bucket, mop, and cleaning supplies, and AEJ spent the afternoon working on a surprise emergency script revision. Then we hit the road.

We hoped to reach Flagstaff tonight, but only made it to a town called Holbrook before we got sleepy. We’ll get an early start tomorrow, though, and reach LA by evening — and spend the night in our new place!

I’m having difficulties with Adelphia cable, so we won’t have Internet access (or cable TV) for at least a few days after we get there. I’m going to try to write a blog entry on the laptop once we’re there, though, and use the WiFi at the local coffee shop to get those photos posted on Saturday.

Wish us luck on the furniture unload! Here’s hoping nothing important was destroyed…


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