October 9, 2007
Don’t go away!
There haven’t been any updates for a while, but it’s been a busy week. As such, there are fun entries coming up, detailing a recent trip to the Los Angeles County Fair, my birthday dinner, and several days in New York. (One highlight of that trip: meals from chefs Thomas Keller AND Jean-George Vongrichten in the same day.)
Tomorrow (Wednesday) is teaching day, but Thursday, there’ll be a new posting, I assure you. Until then…
Fosco! says
>meals from chefs Thomas Keller AND Jean-George Vongrichten in the same day
zephan says
Thomas Keller and Jean-George Vongrichten on the same day.
as Shakespeare said:
If sack and sugar be a fault, God help the wicked!
Henry IV 2.4.464
zephan says
As Shakespeare said in Henry 4: "If sack and sugar be a fault, God help the wicked!"
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