August 17, 2008
Can’t spell Studio without Stud
I think we finally have my studio in order here at the new house in Austin. I wanted a room that felt warm — and not too “workplace-like.” I didn’t know what that necessarily meant, but AEJ did. The result is a large steel McDowell & Craig office desk — enameled in a cream color — and a gynormous metal computer monitor, but combined with floor-to-ceiling velvet drapes and a totally bad-ass vintage chandelier from the early 1970s.
For comparison, here is what the room looked like when we bought the house:
And here it is now:
This is what it looks like at night:
Here is one of the accessories the previous owners had in this room. AEJ’s brother referred to as something like “angel with a patriotic erection.”
My replacement accessory: The Tube Lamp. (Next to it is the Waterphone.)
And the most dramatic change… The former light fixture:
And the new light fixture – Liberace-style.
The studio looks sweet — and thanks to all of these yards upon yards of velvet, plus the black cowhide rug on the floor, the sound in here is great (although lacking massive low-end, as the subwoofer is currently in the family room).
Now I really don’t have any excuse… I kind of need to start writing Asphalt Cocktail.
Mark S. says
Reminds me of my dinning room. Expect there isn't a computer, keyboard, or waterphone in there.
Kevin Howlett says
I had thought at first that the first picture was your studio as it currently is and that you were renting it out to wayward babies. I was thinking "ah...John...they're gonna be a distraction..."
Robyn says
FABULOUS studio. I think even I could compose in that space! What I think is really cool, though, is how the waterphone disappears at night. Spooooooky.
Travis Taylor says
That is one pimp chandelier.
Connie Miller says
Awesome workspace. I think that chandelier will inspire all sorts of creative pieces in the years to come.
By the way, my daughter Sami said that Longhorn Band is doing a "Texas Composers" show this fall. She couldn't remember any of the composers' names, but I was wondering: since you now live in Texas, do you think you made it into the show?
Brian Hodges says
Actually, I believe you need to start writing my cello/piano piece.
But you know, I wouldn't mind if you called it "Asphalt Cocktail". I think that would make a great title for a cello/piano piece....
Just a thought....
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