March 27, 2009
Asphalt Cocktail premiere
The premiere of Asphalt Cocktail, with the Michigan State Wind Symphony, under the direction of Kevin Sedatole, is this Saturday, March 28, at 8pm CST in Bates Recital Hall at the University of Texas at Austin. Asphalt Cocktail is the opener on their concert, which is the final concert of the CBDNA 2009 convention. Tickets are free, and if you’re in the Austin area, I hope you’ll try to make it. It should be a great concert.
The concert will also be webcast, so if you aren’t in town, you can listen via the link that will be on this page.
Alex says
I was unable to connect to the stream yesterday, even after I have listened to it successfully several times before. I guess I'll give it another shot.
Chris McHenry.....Canton HS says
John--Asphalt Cocktail looks amazing! Good luck with the premiere tomorrow night. (and with with Aurora Awakes in May)....can't wait to hear them both! We are programming Undertow with La Forza del Destino and some other stuff for our concert next month.......should be fun.........the kids love it......Take care.......
Drew Farmer says
Looking forward to the performance!
Cathy says
My plan is to make it tonight. It's been a rough couple of days but I think getting out will be good for me. :)
David says
Just listened to the webcast...
Ike says
From the applause, you would think the concert had ended
FOSCO! says
Oz and I listened to the stream. Wow. It was great! And so much fun! We were bopping around the room (something we've been known to do). Some excellent beats in the middle, in particular.
And yes, the applause was crazy. It's like you're a frakkin' rock star!
Congratulations. I hope you and AEJ got nice and drunk afterwards.
Chris says
When will the audio be up on the website? I did not get to attend the concert or listen online.....but I am little kid anxious to hear it!
Meredith says
That was balls to the wall, man. I fear that some things will be lost from the live performance, though ... too bad you can't capture the leaping Spartan trash can-ist OR you running up on stage with your arms in the air in a sound file.
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